Tampa Bay Advanced Practice Nurses Council

Incoming President Message

Posted about 1 month ago by Gail Sadler

Happy New Year 2025 ! 

 As your incoming TBAPNC President I would like to thank each one of you personally for giving me the honor of serving you as the  President for the next two years.  Personally thanking  Dr. Charrita Ernewein for being our leader for the past six year, two of those years which were quite challenging during the COVID times. During these times our organization, the Tampa Bay Nurse Practitioner group has had continued  growth in accomplishing  foot prints as a  NP force defining our NP community. 

We are the Tampa Bay Nurse Practitioner community, we represent strength, endurance and boldness. Our group will continue its growth forming bonds , strengthening relationships , and opening new doors to opportunities. As your new incoming President please share your inspiration and ideas for the growth of our organization with me. There is a contact form within our ENP website  to send me a message.

We are the Nurse Practitioner Community Force of Tampabay.  

Thank you, 
